March 2012
sighs of regret on the wind
New Skin
Her Cheshire Smile
Urban Sugar for Brownstone Tea
Turned up to 11
Search and Seizure
Our Brooklyn Steps
Vocal Element
Tendered Bones
Kindred... to Kindling
sighs of regret on the wind
this isle, crisp sawbuck green,
avocado and sienna
starlit gleams winking
through restless skies
tossed beneath the trades
whip-stirring the palms
whining and whirring
through the Aussie pines,
I am surf-line walking, aimless
stumbling new moon drunk,
lost in the thrum
the blackness
the crash of the sea
the ghostly fragrance of you
slipping further
so distant now...
low sighs of regret on the wind.
New Skin
On the skin of words
lie blemish and scuffs
like Bosc pears pitted
bruised with imperfections
I love that the skin of our words
is pliant and absorbent
that love can be inhaled by its pores
that silence can sit on a verb
with a naked Cheshire grin
daring the adjectives to make a false move
I love that the skin of our words
peels back
layer after layer
until seven years on
our voice has been replenished
renewed with understanding,
new quivering,
waiting for the syllables
whispered through the other’s touch

Her Cheshire Smile
In the creases of tomorrow
I’ll hold the joy of this day
when the shadows cross my violets
I’ll smile and imagine him there at the table
tapping his glass
to the glass that holds my scotch
Venus sliding down towards his shoulder
gone from the sky as dawn washes her away
I have your words beneath my eyelids
imprints and echoes
facsimiles and phrases
on my tucked away pages.
I have your voice in my head
snippets and colors,
the quilt of your throaty laugh
I have the snick of your heels as they walk away
In the stealth of lilac
as the first drawn breath of dawn
swirls up the frame through the screen.
I will smile like a cat with swallowed secrets
and my grin will rip holes in the silence
as the sunlight stalks the shadows
planks crossing the room
to his hand sliding into mine
Painting: Venus Sunrise
by Melody Dawn Germain © 2011
Urban Sugar for Brownstone Tea
pedestrian cold
bright apple cheeks in the air
the concrete dingy
flat brown
pigeon gray
a smoky soft arm
a scent of aged whisky
the polish of old woods
adding glisten to the air
another century’s light
a syncopation
a scattered shower of sound
notes as thoughts
random, ideas in sprinkles
concentric whorls on a pool
congealing melding
melodic in squalls
a baptism of moments
chaos washed in structure
a trumpet played
against each pulse of your heart
a piano speaking mountain stream
a rill of water talking to the stones below
running into the ears of your soul
a wall of echoes
swirling just off-shore
nourishment for the cold neon night
for the bland that resides
on the other side of the wall
urban sugar
for brownstone tea
Music by Sonny Stitt and Miles Davis
Turned Up tp 11
Nascent in this grim sinner light:
a stem is squeaking through the soil.
A rosebud is dreaming in colors it never knew,
imagining a cloak of petaled demure…
bashful in imagining the blush at its virgin bloom.
You can imagine the chorus that will rise through the acres,
spreading its crescendo through the miles.
And yet we never hear it.
There is an outcry of babbling crows this morning.
It seems the murder capital today.
Raucous caw after nonsense caw
scraping raw, this sweet spring air.
Can you imagine the crows I can’t hear;
just over the houses, just five turns up the road,
I’d be deaf were they all in my trees.
Where does it go, this relentless sound of nature?
Spring screams the most of the seasons.
Shrieks of growth, joy and tantrums on the riotous winds.
It has laid in the stomach of winter,
gurgling, brewing, a reflux wanting out.
This night is quiet, pregnant with croak; no whine, no flutter,
just the flirty romance of a moist wolf-whistle wind.
When this next rain comes the tree frogs will wail
until the night’s ear bleeds, until the volume reaches 11.

Search and Seizure
the sky is manic
racing billows of cloud
shreds of cotton thoughts
great explosive puffs then gone
whisked from mass into vapor
dissolved just as more appear
wind hurtles through the birch
hammering the gables and eaves
clicking their digits like frenzied marionettes
their twigs like whips
switches tap dancing
a grand mal of wood.
it scours our skin
lifting the hem of each shadow
probing every pore
searching through our baggage
for debris to send on
supplanting the old dust with new
Our Brooklyn Steps
Katrina purred
as I poured my ass onto the steps
apathetic to the fingers I held to my neck…
just feed me
pet me
tell me I’m your queen!
How nice for you little cat
how nonchalant,
how arrogant you may be
Bruised rose lit my toes
as droplets of me wet the sandstone
even Katrina, was put out
from a night of bad scraps
pet me screw you
I want a rank alley Tom
in need of a bath
This is our mortality
90 beats resting,.. from 151
Little Friskies for my little girl,
no Fancy Feast or sardines for you.
get a better job loser… err Master,
pet me, bring out my claws
treat me like the pussy I am.
The door hissed shut
as we climbed to 302
Katrina had StarKist
I had blueberry Dannon
and a wistfull memory of you
Vocal Elements
And the soil said:
you are kin to me,
I hear your roots sing to mine.
And the sky said:
you are kin to me,
I rush in and out of you
for the length and breadth of your life.
And the sea said:
You are kin to me.
Your blood runs with my salts,
your heart with a relentless pulse.
And the wind said to me:
Bite me asshole,!
Want me to lift that girl’s skirt?
Want to blow that hovel down?
And the rain said to me:
You are kin to me.
Your tears are my tears.
Don’t mind the wind,
she’s aways a bitch! |

Tendered Bones
I asked them…
please, a finger bone
a digit, a phalange?
May I have a tip of her fingers?
As I waited I wondered which one it might be,
the one she used to point with… at me…
into the sky… at sightings in a crowd?
Or the one she would crook in the corner of her mouth,
when intrigued by an insight
or visually aroused.
The one that pointed to heaven when she drank her tea.
Would it be her ring finger
that got the little wedge of chicken from her teeth,
that evened her lipstick,
or dug at the tickle in her ear?
Would it be the middle
that reset her glasses,
or that found ten thousand passions
in her hungry private dark?
What it they give me someone else?
And I wore some cab driver from Lahore,
or a nose-picking Jane Doe
on my neck for the rest of my life.
They presented me a small oyster lid box
with red satin and a gold plated clasp.
Inside was… well I’ll leave that to wonder,
I’ll just say I was very pleased.
Kindred… to Kindling
memories set afire
their ashes falling
hot down
feather tears,
flaring… glowing… fading…
neurons arcing
their last bright goodbyes.
frames and letters
blueprints and dreams
acetate curling
once timeless
now bubbling
suddenly finite
vaporizing away
left to the mind’s inner eyes
and its wry bittersweet smiles
wreckage of the heart
turned into fuel
sustaining the embers
that show us the bridges to cross. |